Careers in Clarksville

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Do Good Work With Us

Interested in helping the community around you? We are looking for energetic and passionate individuals here at The Villages at the River Club. View our career opportunities and see how you can join our team. 

People. Passion. Purpose

As members of the GoodWorks team, we pride ourselves in serving our community to the best of our abilities with care, passion, and purpose. If you would like to work alongside a team of dedicated individuals, feel free to submit your information using the form below, and we will get in touch with you.

Why Choose Us

Villas and spacious suites offer all the benefits of a home on the golf course with none of the maintenance. You’ll need to see our views to believe them! 

Gallery & Floorplans

Our amenities and events are designed to enrich your life. Whether it’s a church service, a game of bridge, or an art class, our community offers something for everyone.

Services & Amenities

We believe that all of our staff, residents, families, and friends are called to do good works—to love and to serve. It’s an attitude and a commitment on display every day in our communities.

Our Community

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Contact Us

Marla Lamb

Executive Director

Our Address

  • 1176 Warfield Boulevard
  • Clarksville, TN 37043
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