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Category: Health & Wellness

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15 Healthy Foods Seniors Should Include in Their Diet

Close-up of a n older adult man's hand holding blueberries

A properly balanced diet is an essential part of healthy senior living. It’s the foundation of living a healthy lifestyle and taking proper care of yourself. Whether you’re following a diet like keto or simply looking to boost your nutritional intake, it’s crucial to make sure you’re eating healthy foods that are full of essential […]

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How Gardening Can Help Seniors Stay Active

An older man and woman smiling and gardening outdoors together

Health and wellness should always be prioritized. That’s why it’s essential for older adults to pursue their passions whenever they can. Any activity that brings joy can be a wonderful addition to life. Activities like gardening can be an incredible way for seniors to find a new passion, spend time outdoors, and stay active. Gardening […]

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Best Sleeping Temperature for Seniors

A elderly man with grey hair sleeping alone in a bed.

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for seniors’ overall well-being, but sometimes, getting restful sleep can be difficult due to temperature-related issues. Whether you’re too hot or too cold, uncomfortable temperatures can lead to a lower quality of sleep.  It’s important for seniors and caregivers to understand the ideal sleeping temperature in order to […]

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Ways to Help Seniors Socialize and Avoid Isolation

A group of senior men and women raising their glasses to celebrate their friendship as they enjoy a meal together.

As we grow older, it can become increasingly difficult to maintain the same level of social connections and activities we once had. Life changes such as retirement, loss of loved ones, or physical limitations can make it harder for seniors to participate in the things they once enjoyed. This can lead to feelings of isolation […]

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